Name of the country: Republic of Finland

Language: Finnish

Number of universities: 13 universities & 22 universities of Applied science. 

IELTS requirement: 6 – 6.5 (not less than 5.5)

Job opportunities: 30 Hours weekly.  Spouse can work Full time.

PR facilities: Permanent residence in just four years with a continuous residence permit.

Range of tuition fees: €5,000 to €18,000 per academic year

If you are a student who wants to pursue higher education, Finland is a destination to consider. In addition, Finland is home to many top universities offering a wide range of programmes, from business and engineering to the social sciences and humanities.As an international student, you will find Finland to be a friendly and safe country with a high standard of living and a strong social welfare system. Tuition fees in Finland are relatively low compared to other popular study abroad destinations. 

Studying in Finland offers a unique and rewarding experience that can open up exciting career opportunities and personal growth. Whether you want to pursue a bachelor`s, master’s or doctoral degree, Finland is definitely worth considering as a destination for your higher education.

Top reasons to study in Finland

  1. Lots of scholarships and tuition fee waiver opportunities.
  2. Easy process for permanent residence. Permanent residence in just four years with a continuous residence permit.
  3. Per week 30 hours work Opportunity. Full-time work opportunity during the holidays.
  4. Students can apply with spouse & children, the spouse will have a full-time work permit, and children will get free schooling facilities during the study.
  5. After completing the study, students will get a post-study work permit for two years.
  6. No need for police clearance or medical.
  7. Finland is a member of the Schengen.
  8. Personalized career support from Universities.
  9. Live in the most peaceful and sustainable country in the world according to the Global Peace Index 2021 and Sustainable Development Report 2021 respectively.
  10. Study in the best higher education and training system in the world according to the World Economic Forum 2021.
  11. Live in one of the best ecosystems in the world according to the Environmental Performance Index 2022.
  12. Breathe the cleanest air in the world according to the World Air Quality Report 2021.
  13. Scope of improving skills in the most innovative country in the world according to the Global Innovation Index 2021.

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