Country: Czech Republic

Language: Czech

Number of universities: There are over 70 universities and colleges in the Czech Republic.

IELTS requirement:  6.0 to 6.5, vary depending on the program.

Job opportunities: Up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. Spouses may also be eligible to work.

PR facilities:  Apply for permanent residence after living legally in the Czech Republic for 5 continuous years.

Range of tuition fees: Tuition fees for Bachelor’s and Master’s programs range from €1,000 to €15,000 per academic year. PhD programs are usually funded by the government and do not require tuition fees.

Top Universities of Czech Republic

  1. Charles University 
  2. Masaryk University
  3. University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice (USB)
  4. Palacký University Olomouc
  5. Czech Technical University (CTU)  
  6. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  7. Brno University of Technology
  8. Technical University of Ostrava
  9. University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
  10. Mendel University in Brno

The Czech Republic is a country located in the heart of Europe that offers a unique and enriching experience for international students pursuing higher education. The country has a long tradition of providing high-quality education at affordable tuition fees, with many universities and colleges ranked among the top in the world. With its central location in Europe, international students have the opportunity to explore other European countries during their studies. The Czech Republic is known for its rich history, vibrant cultural scene, and diverse range of study programs. While Czech is the official language, many universities offer programs taught in English, making it easier for international students to pursue their studies. Overall, the Czech Republic is a welcoming and inclusive destination for international students who are looking to broaden their horizons and achieve their academic and career goals.

Top reasons to study in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a popular destination for international students seeking higher education. Here are some of the top reasons why:

  1. High-quality education: The Czech Republic is home to many highly ranked universities and colleges that offer a variety of degree programs taught in English. The quality of education is recognized globally and provides students with a solid foundation for their future careers.

  2. Affordable tuition fees: The tuition fees in the Czech Republic are considerably lower compared to other European countries, making it a cost-effective option for international students. There are also many scholarships and funding opportunities available to help offset the cost of education.

  3. Cultural experience: The Czech Republic is known for its rich culture and history, making it a fascinating place for international students to study. Students can immerse themselves in local traditions, attend festivals and explore the country’s unique architecture.

  4. Central location in Europe: The Czech Republic is located in the heart of Europe, making it an ideal location for students to explore other European countries. Travel is easy and affordable, providing students with the opportunity to expand their cultural experiences.

  5. Job opportunities: International students are allowed to work part-time during their studies, providing them with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and supplement their income. The Czech Republic also offers a friendly and welcoming environment for international students seeking employment after graduation.

Overall, the Czech Republic offers a unique and enriching experience for international students, combining high-quality education with a rich cultural experience, affordable tuition fees and job opportunities.