Name of the country: Kingdom of Sweden

Language: Swedish

Number of universities: 39 universities and university colleges

IELTS requirement:  6.5  (Not less than 6)

Job opportunities: There is no restriction on how many hours a student can work. Spouses can also work full-time.

PR facilities: It is a little bit complex to get permanent residence in Sweden. Students who will complete their doctoral studies in Sweden have the possibility of getting PR.

Range of tuition fees:  The range is typically between SEK 80,000 and SEK 160,000 (approximately €7,800 to €15,600) per academic year.

Top Universities of Sweden

QS World University Rankings 2023:

  1. KTH – Royal Institute of Technology #89
  2. Lund University # 95
  3. Chalmers University of Technology #125
  4. Uppsala University #128
  5. Stockholm University #153
  6. Göteborg University #185
  7. Linkoping University #320

Sweden is an ideal destination for students seeking higher education with a wide range of programs offered by its 39 universities and university colleges. Sweden’s universities are renowned for their excellent quality of education in fields ranging from business and engineering to social sciences and humanities.

As an international student, Sweden offers a friendly and safe environment with a high standard of living and a strong social welfare system. Tuition fees in Sweden are relatively affordable compared to other popular study abroad destinations.

Studying in Sweden offers a unique and enriching experience that can open up exciting career prospects and personal growth. Whether you are pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree, Sweden is a great option for higher education.

Top reasons to study in Sweden

  1. There are several scholarship opportunities available for international students studying in Sweden, including the Swedish Institute Study Scholarships and the Erasmus+ program.
  2. International students can apply for a work permit to work part-time while studying in Sweden, and a post-study work permit is available for up to one year after graduation.
  3. Sweden is a member of the Schengen Area, which allows international students to travel and work in other Schengen countries without a visa.
  4. According to the World Happiness Report 2021, Sweden is ranked as the seventh happiest country in the world.
  5. Sweden is known for its high quality of life, strong social welfare system, and progressive values.
  6. Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is often ranked as one of the most innovative cities in the world.
  7. Sweden is also known for its focus on sustainability and green initiatives, with a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2045.