Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Number of universities: There are over 130 universities in the UK.

IELTS requirement:  6.0 to 7.0.

Job opportunities: International students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. Spouses may also be eligible to work.

PR facilities: International students may be eligible to apply for a permanent residence permit after living legally in the UK for at least 5 years.

Range of tuition fees: Ranges from £9,000 to £38,000 per academic year. PhD programs are usually funded and do not require tuition fees.

Top Universities of UK

QS World University Rankings:

  1. University of Cambridge #2
  2. University of Oxford #4
  3. Imperial College London #6
  4. University College London 8
  5. University of Edinburgh #15 
  6. University of Manchester #28
  7. King’s College London #37
  8. London School of Economics and Political Science #56 
  9. University of Bristol #61
  10. University of Warwick #64
  11. University of Southampton #78
  12. University of Glasgow #81
  13. University of Leeds #86
  14. University of Birmingham #91
  15. Durham University #92

The United Kingdom (UK) has become a popular destination for international students who are seeking higher education. The country boasts over 130 universities, providing a wide range of academic fields and programs to choose from. The UK is renowned for its high-quality education, innovative research, and diverse culture, which together provide an exceptional academic experience for students.

International students have the opportunity to work part-time during their studies, which enables them to gain valuable work experience and earn some extra money. Moreover, the UK offers post-study work visa options, allowing students to stay and work in the country after graduation. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to gain work experience in the UK, which can be beneficial for their future careers.

Studying in the UK is a unique opportunity for international students to immerse themselves in a multicultural environment and expand their horizons. The country is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse society, making it an exciting and enriching place to live and study. International students can build lifelong connections, experience new perspectives, and develop their personal and professional skills.

In conclusion, the UK is a prime location for international students who seek a high-quality, diverse and enriching academic experience, combined with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and build lifelong connections in a multicultural environment.

Top reasons to study in UK

There are numerous reasons why international students choose to study in the United Kingdom (UK). Here are the top reasons:

  1. Quality of education: The UK has some of the world’s most renowned academic institutions, known for their high standards of education, innovative research, and state-of-the-art facilities.

  2. Diverse academic fields: With over 130 universities, the UK offers a wide range of academic fields and programs to choose from, enabling students to pursue their interests and goals.

  3. Career opportunities: International students can work part-time during their studies, gaining valuable work experience and enhancing their career prospects. The UK also offers post-study work visa options, enabling students to stay and work in the country after graduation.

  4. Cultural diversity: The UK is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse society, providing an enriching and exciting environment for international students to live and study.

  5. Multicultural environment: The UK is home to students from all over the world, enabling international students to experience different cultures, perspectives and make lifelong connections.

  6. Language: The UK is an English-speaking country, offering international students the opportunity to improve their English language skills, which can be advantageous for their future careers.

  7. Research opportunities: The UK is known for its innovative research and state-of-the-art facilities, providing excellent research opportunities for international students.

  8. Scholarships: There are numerous scholarships available for international students, providing financial support and enabling them to pursue their academic goals.

In summary, studying in the UK offers international students a high-quality, diverse and enriching academic experience, combined with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, immerse themselves in a multicultural environment, and build lifelong connections.